In these last couple weeks of the traditional university semester, I have decided to kick back and let my grades fall where they will. I have already accepted the misguided nature of this plan however the benefit of this does indeed allow me to chill out in the feverous uproar that is this end of term madness. In inspiration of this I give out to you…
Top Ten ways you should know you take yourself too seriously:
- You sit in class and write obscure and explicit poetry on variations of monarch butterflies.
- You get a body high every time someone asks you to define/explain a term that you have actively worked to include in your daily vernacular.
- You check your blog stats hourly to ensure your Digg and Reddit posts are not going unnoticed.
- Your path to class (or anywhere….) ensures the passing of the maximum number of reflective surfaces.
- You have a top ten list, and it takes you more than 10 min to compile.
- You own a Blackberry.
- Your MySpace/Facebook/Friendster/etc… profiles are 100% sincere.
- Your Facebook et al. profile pic’s are comprised mostly of pictures taken by you in your bathroom using your mirror.
- You feel 100% completely qualified to judge a battle of the bands.
- You like to think you and your professor build on each other’s ideas in your 1000 lecture style class and that it is completely suitable to argue with them, especially when you have read an article about the topic on the MSN news feed in the past 24 hours.