Sunday, October 21, 2007

Acceptance makes great top ten's

So, recently I completed the true test of a Lethbridge local. The walk from the west side to the south side. Now, it was a fair night with little wind but I still feel that I have been officially initiated into Lethbridge culture. For all you local’s and you fourth years who are pretty much locals by now here is this weeks top ten:

You know your (officially) from Lethbridge when:

1. You have walked from the west side to the south side, and it didn’t think it was that bad. In fact you may do it again. If the wind doesn’t physically stop you.

2. You don’t even like music but you know who Atrophy Manuscript is.

3. You know who is painted on the side of The Slice bar and grill.

4. You have worked at The Empire movie theater and/or The Penny Coffee house at some point in your life.

5. You have been in the wicked mysterious tunnels that run underneath downtown.

6. You wonder why 1983 was such a significant year and what made it cause a generation of people to “grow up”. F!

7. You actually know what people mean when they give you directions that use ‘China Town’ as a reference. (but you still shoot them a look because, C’MON!)

8. You are sick of seeing pictures/postcards/depictions of The Train Bridge. (but you miss it when you’re gone, and only feel truly at home once you round that corner and it comes into sight)

9. The fact that Lethbridge Transit actually calls itself L.A. Transit no longer is the funniest thing you have ever heard.

10. You have seen “Land before.....haha...just kidding.... for real: You no longer wonder where the East side went and you strongly identify yourself from which section of the city you live in. (go Westside!! woot woot!)

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