Sunday, October 21, 2007

god, I am cute.

It’s getting chillier and everyone seems to be walking around with a lovely little cold (myself included). So to warm up our hearts, lets take a walk down memory lane...Everyone have their buddy?

Top ten favorite childhood moments:

1. Being sick – Remember when being sick was the best thing ever? Now, I am not talking about real sick, like the chicken pox or Mono. More like that sick where you have a tummy ache and the sniffles. A couple days home from school, tons of attention, first dibs on the good T.V. programs and your teachers were totally cool when you didn’t have your homework finished for and entire week!
Now, if your lucky, you get a classmate to grab your notes from the one class you missed, where of course the entire test material is explained, which you then go to your prof.’s office to clarify the foreign language the notes seem to be in and wait 45 min for them to come during their office hours to then have them tell you, you should have been in class.

2. “The Land before Time” movie – I’ve said it before and I will say it again. The first “Land before Time” was everything magical about childhood. Talking dinosaurs, life changing adventures, tree stars, BFF’s and good overcoming all the odds….sigh…Until about grade 5 I truly believed that this is what prehistoric times were really like.

3. Truth, Dare, Double Dare, Promise to Repeat – Some of my most scandalous moments have been because of this game. Also, some of the funniest childhood stories and memories are because of this game. C’mon, you know there was always that person who would do ANYTHING....

4. Long summer nights – Remember those summer’s where you truly had nothing to do for two whole months? No jobs, no school and minimal supervision. Bed times were pushed back to dusk and dusk meant like 9 pm! To a 10 year old that’s a huge deal. Bike rides, slurpees and days spent listlessly laying around on the playground, in your bedroom, in your friends basement....

5. Recess – Yes, as University students we do indeed get to choose our own schedule and breaks are abundent, but nothing compares to the anticipation of the last 30 minutes before sweet, sweet freedom. The race to the best swing, the claim on the four square space and huge games of cops and robbers. Recess was awesome and it didn’t matter how cold it was outside, the 15 minutes you get entirely to yourself was so worth that endless math class you have to endure to the get there (unless of course you are one of those people who liked math, in which case you are probably a math major now).

6. Elementary Crushes –Elementary crushes were characterized by hearts drawn in notebooks, giggling girls and chases on the playground. When boyfriends and girlfriends were the friends that you held hands with, or if you were very scandalous, kissed during school field trips or on the back of the bus ; and of course there was always that one ‘couple’ who got ‘married’ under the money bars. Cute!

7. TGIF – Friday’s used to be the night you stayed home and watched Boy Meets World, Sabrina the Teenage Witch and a slew of other coming of age sitcoms. You were allowed to stay up extra late because it wasn’t a school night and sleepovers + TGIF were, as the old adage goes, the bomb!

8. Saturday morning cartoons – Ok, so a know that TV seems to be a large part of this list, but lets face it, TV was a large part of many of our childhood’s. Even if your parents didn’t let you have cable until you were too old to care (like myself...which is why I didn’t know what Much Music was until I was 19....thanks mom and dad..) One Saturday Morning was on peasant vision and getting up at 9am was actually something I looked forward too. Plus it was the only way I was going to beat my three younger siblings to the good TV spot.

9. Milk Money – Yep, the school milk program rocked! Not only did you get tasty, delicious milk everyday, worry free, you won stuff too. Fair enough, I now see through the ploy that milk company’s are just trying to suck in young, impressionable future consumers and their parents by playing up the nutritious element, but still, free key rings? Whats up! ( A little fun fact for ya- being Lactose Intolerant is much more common then commonly known. Most adults don’t have the enzyme to break down milk protein because it does not naturally occur. It was an evolutionary thing we developed in the northern hemisphere to ensure we would get enough nutrients during those barren winter months.)

10. Friendship Bracelets - Ok, these were the coolest. Yes, a little elitist and I remember more then one lunch hour pouting about MY BFF giving some other girl a friendship bracelet, but still. Brightly colored pieces of string knotted together, something about it gets me every time. Plus they are a camp counselors dream!

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